Wool Parish Council


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Planning Applications

Planning Applications Procedure

Wool Parish Council strives to ensure the decisions and recommendations it makes on planning applications are transparent and inspire confidence. This document outlines:

  • how planning applications are dealt with by Wool Parish Council
  • Wool Parish Council’s role in the overall process
  • how members of the public can have their say
  • what issues you can object to when responding to a planning application

Wool Parish Council’s role in the planning process

Wool Parish Council is consulted by Dorset Council on planning applications within the Parish. While the Parish Council does not make planning decisions (it does not grant or refuse permission), it does submit observations to the authority, which Dorset Council may take into account when making a final decision.

How Wool Parish Council deals with planning applications

When Wool Parish Council receives a planning application it will be added to the agenda of the next full council meeting wherever possible. However, Dorset Council usually requires a reply within three weeks, whereas full Parish Council only meets once a month. If the planning application cannot be added to a full council meeting, then it will be added to the agenda of both monthly committee meetings. If the timing is such that it is not possible to add to a full council meeting or a committee meeting, then Wool Parish Council will request an extension from Dorset Council.

Usually, full council meets on the third Monday of the month and the committee meetings are usually the first Monday of the month. Bank holidays do cause exceptions to this rule so please check the agenda, the website or contact the clerk to be sure.

When an application is discussed at a formal parish meeting, the applicant and any parishioners may attend to express their views. There is a 15-minute period near the start of the meeting during which members of the public, including those supporting or opposing a planning application, can make statements. At the relevant point on the agenda, Councillors will discuss and vote on the Parish Council response to each application. The Parish Council will consider, but not be bound by, comments and representations made to them in arriving at its decision.

Following the meeting, the parish clerk submits the Wool Parish Council’s response to Dorset Council.

Commenting on Planning Applications – making your voice heard

Members of the public can separately submit comments to Dorset Council.

Members of the public can comment on planning applications by visiting the Dorset Council website (www.planning.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk) or calling 01305 838336.

Reasons you can object to a planning application

Comments need to relate to planning issues, rules and policies, and whilst these may vary with the nature of the proposal and the site, relevant issues may include for example:

  • Overlooking/loss of privacy
  • Loss of daylight/sunlight or overshadowing
  • Scale and dominance
  • Layout and density of buildings
  • Appearance and design of development and materials proposed
  • Disabled persons’ access
  • Highway safety
  • Traffic and parking issues
  • Drainage and flood risk
  • Noise, dust, fumes etc
  • Impact on character or appearance of area
  • Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas
  • Effect on trees and wildlife/nature conservation
  • Impact on the community and other services
  • Economic impact and sustainability
  • Government policy
  • Proposals in the Local Development Plan
  • Previous planning decisions (including appeal decisions)

The following issues cannot be taken into account:

  • Who the applicant is/the applicant’s background
  • Loss of views
  • Loss of property value
  • Loss of trade or increased competition
  • Strength or volume of local opposition
  • Construction noise/disturbance during development
  • Fears of damage to property
  • Maintenance of property
  • Boundary disputes, covenants or other property rights
  • Rights of way
  • Personal circumstances are generally not a material planning consideration